A great way to care for your skin in between facials and to get results quicker.
During the Summer when its too hot and sunny, you need to not only protect your skin with a good Zinc based sunscreen, but your skin will also need extra cleaning to keep the pores clean, and exfoliation to keep it smooth and even- toned.
Getting facials once a month for a deeper cleaning, exfoliation and over all maintenance is important. What you do at home is also very important to keeping up with how good your skin looks and feels after a facial, as well as how your over all skin will look in the long run.
In between Facials you can Peel away your skin's concerns with a safe, and organic, mild, home Peel. There are different formulations for different skin concerns from hyper-pigmented, breakouts, and aging skins. They are quick and easy to use with no down time. You are just left with nice exfoliated skin.
Although you do still need to be careful of the sun when using even the mildest of Peels and exfoliators. Best to use anything exfoliating at night and never before going to the pool or the beach. Always where a good Zinc based sunscreen that has an SPF protection in the 30s. Reapplying as needed through out the day.